Health Check DNS Load Balanced Web Servers
Uxtly is load balanced with DNS using an `A’ record per server.
dig A 300 IN A 300 IN A
How to check a specific server?
Resolve the domain to a specific IP. Here are two ways of doing it, both timeout in two seconds .
curl -so /dev/null --max-time 2 --head \ --write-out "%{http_code}" \ --resolve \
Or, with Node.js
import https from 'https'; checkStatus('', '') .then(console.log) .catch(console.error); function checkStatus(url, ip) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const IPv4 = 4; const req = https.request(url, { method: 'HEAD', timeout: 2000, lookup(_, options, resolveDNS) { if (options.all) resolveDNS(null, [{ address: ip, family: IPv4 }]) // Node 20 else resolveDNS(null, ip, IPv4) // Node 16 } }, response => { resolve(response.statusCode) } ); req.on('error', reject); req.on('timeout', () => req.destroy()); req.end(); }); }
Open Source
This health-check.mjs shows how to send an email on failure.
Other use
Bypassing a reverse proxy
For example, if Cloudflare® is proxying a server, you can see the original response sent by the origin server (you’ll need to tweak the method and response output).
Avoided alternatives
/etc/hosts or DNS zone file
Avoid changing the /etc/hosts
file because it’s
system-wide, requires elevated privileges, and limits health checks
to be sequential. Also, it depends on nsswitch.conf
The same goes for changing a zone file of a caching DNS
resolver like unbound
Private Tunnels
Connecting via VPN or SSH wouldn’t be end-to-end health checks.
IP Address in the certificate’s SAN
Issuing certificates with an IP address in addition to the domain name it’s a needless expense if it’s only for health checking.
Skipping the hostname and certificate verification
For example, curl --insecure -L