Guidelines for UI Checkboxes
As checkboxes are potentially confusing UI elements, here are a few tips for drafting them with the end‑user in mind.
Let’s start with a classic tip: verbs clarify the intent.
Likewise, headings help and avoid repetitive verbs.
Match the mindset polarity, so it doesn’t break the mood. For example, in ‘Sign Up’:
In other words, is not about positive vs. negative logic. For example, in Uxtly, all elements are visible in the final interface. Therefore, the user mindset is about hiding them.
Maybe it’s a Choice Group
Mitigate the misreadings caused by needless checkbox plus dropdown combinations.
The alternative might be unexpected to the user.
Maybe it’s a Button
Checkboxes imply options, Buttons actions. If toggling a checkbox requires confirmation, it’s closer to an action.